As per TEQIP design, each phase is required to be designed on the basis of lessons learnt from the implementation of an earlier phase. TEQIP-I started a reform process in 127 Institutions. The reform process needs to be sustained and scaled-up for embedding gains in the system and taking the transformation to a higher level. To continue the development activities initiated through TEQIP-I, a sequel Project is planned as TEQIP-II.
Jadavpur University has been one of the 127 institutions selected for TEQIP Phase - I for which an MOU was signed between The State of West Bengal and Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Jadavpur University on 29th November, 2004. The TEQIP Phase - I ended successfully in March 2008.
Based on the performance in the first phase, Jadavpur University has been again selected for TEQIP Phase - II as per letter to the institute from the SPFU & DTE, West Bengal (Memo No.

The broad objectives of Jadavpur University for TEQIP Phase II are:
- Scaling-up postgraduate education and demand-driven Research & Development and Innovation,
- Establishing Centers of Excellence for focused applicable research,
- Training of faculty for effective Teaching, and
- Enhancing Institutional and System Management effectiveness.
Any Complaint regarding procurement through TEQIP-II
may be sent to:
TEQIP CELL- JU: Tele-Fax-033-24146154;